Tuesday 10 May 2011

Mothers' Day Special

Dear Readers,

Last Sunday was Mothers' Day, a worldwide celebration in tribute to our mothers who have taken such great care of us, sacrificed so much for us, and nurtured us to who we are today. For that, I salute all mothers. I have written an acrostic poem to express my feelings towards motherly love, and would like to share it with you:

My mother always
Understands what burdens I have in
My heart.

I am very touched.

Living with her is a blessing for
Our family - my dad and me.
Very caring, very nice, though sometimes
Easily angered, and ill-tempered.

Yes, that's my mother, the
One over there. How about
Ur mother?

No matter how much our mothers scold us, or even beat us, they really care for us a lot. They put us as first priority, while they put their interests behind. They have brought us up, nurtured us and taught us, helping us in our school work. When we grow up, we must repay our mothers' kindness by taking good care of them, just like they have taken good care of us when we were mere infants, who were incapable of doing so ourselves!

Well, may I ask you who on this planet would do anything for you? The answer is simple. Your mum.

My mother? Oh, she's an ordinary housewife, but is an extraordinary mother, who takes extraordinary care of me! She goes the extra mile for me, by staying up with me even on late nights, sitting by my side, as I complete my homework.

When I am ill, she would take great care of me. There was even once when I vomited all over the floor. The stench was nauseating, but my mother went up to the mess and cleared it up spick and span. After that, she could not stand it anymore, and vomited as well... Another time, I was down with a fever. She woke up late at night to help me take my temperature. It was not once but quite a few times already!

There was once when I forgot to bring something extremely important in primary school. Being the renowned 'goody-two-shoes' in my class, I was of course very afraid of being reprimanded. I immediately called my mother and asked her if she could help me bring it to school. She actually walked to my school and passed me the form!

Looking back at all these incidents, I have realised that my mother is the best mum I could ever ask for. I have also been extremely selfish, in that I did not consider my mother's feelings. For that, I am very remorseful.

Many find their mothers irritating. I do not deny. Sometimes, the nagging gets extremely annoying, and I would really like to defy her will. However, we must always bear in mind that our mothers are the only ones who would sacrifice their lives for us, for they are the ones who brought us into this world, nurtured us, and made sure we had a bright future.

For me, Mothers' Day holds a big significance. It is a day which commemorates all that our mothers have done for us. On this joyous occasion, I would like to wish everyone (especially mothers who have sacrificed all for their children):

Happy Mothers' Day!
Selamat Hari Ibu!
행복한 어머니의 날

Share your experiences with your mother with me :D Let's all celebrate Mothers' Day together!

Best Regards,
Nathan :)


  1. Hi Nathan,

    You are very lucky to have a very caring mother! I guess this is what mothers are well known for :)

    Historically, mothers take the primary role in raising children, and no matter any circumstance, thick or thin, they would still be by your side. Mothers gives us encouragement, both physically and emotionally, when we are in the heart of a problem. Even until we grow up, they still worry for us, as we take a special place in their hearts that can never be replaced by anything else.

    Let me share my personal experiences about how my mother has been such a wonder to me now. I think that the period that I truly saw how much my mother loved me was when I was in primary school when I suffered from this disease called Microplasma (Not quite sure how you spell it). Anyway, I was having high fever of nearly 40 degrees celcius.

    I was in much pain at that time, I remembered. In the middle of the night, I woke up suddenly due to a nightmare. I must have screamed or else my mother would not have heard me. She came rushing in through the door with a towel and thermometer. Although my mother had an important meeting the next day, she still chose not to go for it and take care of me. She took her few emergency leaves that she had to look after me, and this was not just for one day.

    The fever subsided only after a week.In my heart, I would forever love my mother. And I think you do too :D


  2. Hi Nathan,

    I think you are really lucky to have such a caring and loving mother! Historically, it was said that the job of the mother was just to bring up the infant , and I guess this trait of the mother remains today. Mothers show much care and concern to their children, and no matter through thick or thin, they would always be by our side. I think this is what makes mothers special and their effort and hard work they had done to bring us up should really be celebrated.

    Now let me share with you how wonderful my mother has been to me. I remember when I was in primary school, I had contracted a really serious disease that the doctor called "Microplasma". I felt really bad then, with fevers peaking at over 40 degrees Celsius. On that very night I had just gotten the disease, I remembered that I suffered from a nightmare where I vaguely recall being chased by something, like a doppelganger. I must have screamed and woke up, as I saw my mother rushing to my room and sitting by my bed trying to comfort me and promise that everything would be all right.

    The next day, my mother took emergency leave even though she had an important meeting that day. She stayed at home, giving me water to drink, making lunch, and she was constantly listening out to me when I was in the slightest pain.

    I think this would be the most touching thing that my mother had done for me. She helped me overcome the pain and suffering that I had to endure during this period. For this, and everything else that she has done for me, I am really grateful for her, just as you are. Mother's day is something really special for me, as it is for you. Let the work of Mother's never get forgotten :)


  3. Dear Nicholas,

    Your mother really loves you a lot! :) How will you repay her kindness in the future? :)

    Best Regards,
    Nathan :)
