Saturday 13 August 2011

Personal Essay: "This I Believe"

Dear Readers,

Here, I will be sharing with you a personal essay, exhibiting my beliefs(:

27 July 2011 is a date that I will never forget. My parents were sitting on the sofa when I came back from school at about 7pm. When we sat down to have our dinner, Mum spoke in a low voice, “The report is out. I have cancer.” Initially, I was both stunned and angry. I was unable to accept the news. Moreover, the examinations were round the corner. This was certainly the worst time for such news. I was in a daze. What is going to happen to me?

It is times like these that one will ask, “Why me? Of all people on this Earth, why does it have to me?” Such trying times make one forget the beliefs he stands firm in. For me, my beliefs in my religion and my strength to stay positive play a vital part in my accepting this fact about Mum.

As a child, I was brought up as a Buddhist. The main teaching of Buddhism is about cause and effect or karma. For everything that happens, I believe that it happens for a reason. And it is this belief that softens the impact and makes me accept the situation. Though difficult, I am still trying very hard to do so. This I believe.

Staying optimistic is my firm belief. I feel that optimism makes my life much easier to live by each day, instead of moping the days away. Up to today, there had not been a single drop of tear cast by anyone in the family. From this period right up to Mum’s operation, my family will try to stay happy and support each other both emotionally and psychologically. We will not succumb without a fight. Our familial ties have also grown stronger. This I believe.

My religion and optimism are two beliefs that I will not waver in, because they are what I hold dear to my heart. They are the ones which keep me going.

This I believe.

Nathan :)


  1. Dear Nathan,

    Very sorry to see that you mother has cancer. However, I think you have the right attitude in facing something so treacherous as that.

    As once said: "be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." Those that believe and hope for the best shall be rewarded by god. Whatever that happens in life must be faced squarely. If we are too scared to even face the fact that one has a problem, then the problem can never be solved. It will only get worse.

    No matter the outcome, deep down inside one knows that he has done his best. If you show your love and appreciation for her now, you would not regret it later. So tell her that you really love her and that would really cheer her up and possibly motivate her for her fight for cancer. It would also lighten your guilty conscience of being unable to repay her for everthing she did if worst comes to worst.
    Wishing her my blessings :)

    Nicholas (2i122)

  2. Hi Nicholas,

    Thank you for your real speedy reply! Yes, and thank you for your blessings as well~!

    Nathan (:

  3. Hi Nathan,

    My condolences that your mother has cancer. But I think you have shown in your above blog post that you will fight the battle valiantly. Good. It is only when you make a stand that you have a chance to win.

    Although I was brought up as a Christian, I believe the basic principle of all religions is the same: No matter what happens, don't lament the inevitable or unchangeable tragedies. In Christianity, we believe God controls everything, and if he wants to cause a disease it is because he feels it is a trial one can pass through. God will never test us beyond our limits.

    I actually have an aunt who suffered breast cancer last year. She immediately took measures to slow the development of the tumour, including going for chemotherapy, eating large amounts of leafy greens reputed to have anti-cancer properties and resigning her job so she could take rests more often. She adopted an extremely healthy lifestyle, going for jogs every morning and evening, and in spite of all the clinical evidence she pulled through. The cancer has been fought off, and hopefully it will not recur.

    Don't let the disease get you down. I'm sure your mother won't want her own problems to affect your studies. The best thing you could do for her is to achieve as sterling results as possible in school.

    Daniel Tan Chee Hian

  4. Hi Nathan,

    I am very sorry to know that your other is actually suffering from cancer, and I wish her a speedy and full recovery.

    I think that you indeed have the right attitude to face life. By using a attitude that allows to persevere on during hard times, you will then be able to succeed in life as you do not stop trying. From your current thoughts, we too know that with every thing that happens, it brings about benefits and consequences. With your mother getting cancer, your family ties have indeed gotten stronger, and I do hope that this will stay on even after your mother has recovered.

    No matter what happens, remember to cherish the times now, because one it has past, there is no turning back.As the saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going" , so stay strong, press on Nathan.


  5. Dear Gordon,

    Gee thanks! :) I will treasure my time with my family well~

    Nathan :)

  6. Dear Daniel,

    Whoops, your comment got moved to my spam. Sorry, ha ha! Thank you for your encouraging words! I'll press on and attain fantabulous results, not letting my mum need to worry about me! :)

    Sorry to hear that your aunt has cancer. Is she alright now?

    Nathan :)
