Monday 15 August 2011

Supplement: What is Happiness - Wealth, Giving, Receiving or What?

Dear Readers,

Let me share with you what my notion of happiness here. Just a short note!

To me, wealth is not true happiness. Epicurus’ Notion of Happiness states that happiness is the absence of anxiety, but wealth makes one crave for more and be anxious over the possible loss of their expensive possessions, so wealth is not true happiness.

Aristotle’s Golden Mean states that we should strike a balance between the two extremes: excess and deficiency. Wealth, though, puts us on the extreme of having too much. Therefore, wealth is not true happiness, but only materialistic satisfaction.

It was said that “Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.”

Some might say that wealth brings about happiness, since it provides the elements of happiness. However, there are many situations which wealth cannot ease. For instance, on your deathbed, money means nothing.

I feel that we are happier when we give than receive. This is because receiving only fulfils our materialistic needs, but giving gives us mental satisfaction. By giving, we achieve utilitarianism, since more people are happy, not just us receiving. Upon seeing that the other party is happy, it is natural to feel happy.

Mark Twain said, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”

Nathan (:

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