Monday 24 January 2011

Home Learning Task: Comic Strip and Reflections

Dear Readers,

Today, 24th January, is our first Home Learning experience in the year! We were supposed to create a comic strip to share a particular message or theme. This is my comic strip:

These are some of the questions posed and my responses respectively:

Why did you choose the different pictures or background(s)?

How do they contribute to the elements (plot, setting, characterisation)?

How did you make use of the different elements to contribute to the theme you have chosen?

I chose to use the school as the background, because I feel that as students we spend most of our waking hours in school. Therefore, this greatly helps provide a setting where youngsters will be at ease with the familiar environment. In addition, the school is an institution of learning and education, thereby reinforcing the plot; the element of “preaching” and the eventual result of not practising what they preach.

A teacher is used here to support the theme as most of the time, they are the ones who educate us both academically as well as morally.. As they are the ones whom we look up to, it helps to boost my plot by further substantiating that adults should practise what they preach. The comic strip introduces a morally upright, intelligent teacher, who later turns out to be that someone who does not practise what he preaches.

The boy is shown slouching as he is experiencing mixed emotions: embarrassment, helplessness and even confusion. He evidently does not understand why the teacher was abusing him verbally with numerous expletives.

I chose to use the picture of a principal, because he holds the greatest authority in a school and is most likely to be able to reprimand teachers for their misdoings. This helps in characterisation where it is evident that the principal is one who cares greatly about his school’s reputation as well as students. The principal selected for this comic strip is a stereotype who is elderly, plump and well-dressed.

I selected to make the principal’s office one that is cosy and comfortable with, with sofas and a coffee table with a jug as well as a large showcase of books. This further helps in developing the characterisation of the principal being extremely well-read and approachable. It also breaks stereotypes of being “hell”, since many students feel that going to the principal’s office only means trouble and reprimanding.

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,
Nathan :)

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